Churches Looking to Hire a Preacher

The listing of the following available churches doesn't necessarily imply an endorsement by the moderator of this list. It is the ultimate responsibility of the looking gospel preacher to "try the spirits whether they are of God (I John 4:1). The purpose of this list is to provide the leads to follow. Please e-mail updates that you know of (corrections and deletions) to Mike Hughes so that the list can be current! Or you can use the form below for that purpose as well. Remember, we keep your listing on this site until you write and say take the listing off! So, please help maintain the accuracy of this list by letting us know when you have a Preacher on board.
List updated - October 12, 2009

Using the Map Below: Click on the state you interested in:

Vermont Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina Florida South Carolina Georgia Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Kentucky West Virginia Ohio Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Michigan Louisiana Arkansas Missouri Iowa Minnesota Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota New Mexico Colorado Wyoming.html Hawaii Alaska Montana Texas Utah Nevada Arizona California Idaho Oregon Washington

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